Apffels Office Coffee

“Science may never come up with a better office communication system than the coffee break.”

Earl Wilson

Treat yourself to “white table cloth” restaurant coffees at your office, factory, home-office, or wherever your work might be.

Why does providing coffee at the office make sense?

  1. A recent study shows that workers are more fulfilled at work if they get freebies. Employees are more enthusiastic about their job if they’re feeling appreciated. A surprising 37% of employees polled said they would choose free coffee at work over a staff Christmas Party!

  2. Investing in that coffee break could offer long-term benefits that will help retain great employees. Numerous studies have suggested that caffeine has many health benefits including a valuable memory boost.

  3. Your workers will learn faster. A recent psychology study done at the University of Erlangen in Germany showed that small amounts of caffeine help us process information more quickly.

  4. Caffeine blocks adenosine, a compound in our brains that cause drowsiness. That quick coffee break improves alertness and mental performance, which makes for a more effective day at the office.

  5. Simply put coffee makes us happy. Literally. A Duke University study showed that caffeine can elevate your adrenaline levels.



Delicious: {dih•lish•ush}

If you listen very closely, you’ll hear your taste buds smile.

What is the perfect cup of coffee? It’s delightfully smooth. Deliciously rich. Sometimes bold, sometimes light. But one thing is for sure — the true test always results in a smile.


Apffels Coffee served at the Office

  • Specialty, gourmet restaurant quality coffees for the workplace.

  • Exceptional flavor and consistency.

  • Always fresh - like it was roasted yesterday.

  • Local, like it was roasted next door.

  • Priced so even the accounting department can enjoy it with a smile.

  • We support full-service office coffee distributors with custom programs tailored to your needs - at a cost that will make the financial department smile.

  • And we're green: you can be confident that Apffels is dedicated to the environment and that our coffees are roasted and delivered with one of the lowest carbon footprints around.

The last job I worked used to receive Apffels Coffee. I believe through their water delivery, and I fell in love with the product.